Tuesday 10 June 2008


Tomorrow is C-Day. We haven't yet broken the news to Taff, but by tomorrow afternoon (cross your legs boys!) he will be minus 2 balls :-( It has to be done. He has been absolutely unbearable over the past 5 days. His hormones have gone into overdrive with Josette's bitch being on heat. From 06.00 he whines to be let out. No amount of firm words from us makes a blind bit of difference which is totally against his normal character. We are knackered. He can't be happy. He is a pent up bag of doggy testosterone. We don't want him wandering off to God knows where next time he senses a bitch on heat. It's too much of a risk to take. So he has to be 'done'. Josette and Eric are mortified. They feel it is 'their fault' which of course it isn't. Hey, that's animal life.


Lee Sharp said...

My pigs were shot through the head then had their throats cut - but at least they still had their manhood intact. I guess most males would rather suffer that castration! Perhaps only a man can understand?

penny said...

I think you mean "I guess most males would rather suffer that THAN castration"!! That is understandable!