Wednesday, 23 July 2008


Lovely hot day again today. Lee invited me to join himself and 2 friends (Yaron and Dave) who are currently over for a visit plus a friend of Justin and Emily's, Will, for a climbing session at Auzat which is a great spot when it is hot, as you belay from the shade of the trees ..... cooool! Unfortunately, Dave was not climbing due to some rather nasty blisters that he acquired after an outing with Lee on Monday! So I seconded Will up a couple of 5cs, 5c+, a 6a but left him to it on a 6b which looked like hell! Nice to be back on the rock although my Sesamoiditis became rather painful after too short a while. Don't really know what can be done about that when it comes to climbing unfortunately! Ow!

1 comment:

Lee Sharp said...

Nah thats just a sore foot from tiny climbing shoes - either that or gout...lay off the red wine!