Friday, 22 February 2008

Rocks? No, we aren't building a rockery!

Spring is coming and hot on its heels I am sure we will see the summer. This year, I am wanting to plant up some veggies (we didn't have time last year) and need every inch of space that we can get our hands on. I have already cleared the 'border' in front of the barn which is a fantastically sunny spot and ideal for things like tomatoes and capsicum. But there is a redundant area of ground just to the left of our terrasse which would be ideal for some root veg, as it gets the shade of the pine tree in the afternoon. It looks like it has never been touched, so I decided to set about the clearing process but soon realised that it wasn't going to be as straightforward a job as I was hoping. I kept on stumbling across enormous rocks buried not very far below the surface, which would have to be removed if veggies growing was going to be a success. There was also a large quantity of smaller rocks which would also need to be removed. So I brought in the heavy artillery (Andy and his pickaxe and his big muscles!) to see what we could remove. But one particularly enormous rock proved to be a problem - it was only after Andy managed to remove chunks off it with a lump hammer that he was able to roll it out of the pit in which it had become entrenched. We now have a rather large hole that needs to be filled! It had been hot work as temperatures reached the 20s but a productive day all the same.

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